Track 8

Ender Labs
Release date
May 4th 2012
21.8 Mb
  • Our Editor’s Picks For 2012’s Best iOS Apps

    December 26th at 10:44pm / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    As we near the end of 2012, Cult of Mac has taken a look back at some of the best iOS apps that have hit the App Store over the last 12 months. There have been some terrific releases this year, and we could have named a hundred that are well worth your hard-earned cash. But we’ve managed to whittle our list down to just ten titles that have really stood out for us this year. Check out our best apps roundup below.

  • Track 8 iPad music app now universal, brings Metro-styling to iPhone

    June 11th at 3:43am / The Verge / 0 opinions

    Last month, Ender Labs gave iPad users a Metro-styled music player with Track 8, and while it doesn't offer much functionality over the stock iOS music app, it is an aesthetically pleasing and inexpensive alternative. Now a universal app, the iPhone and iPod Touch version has the same features found on the iPad, including iTunes library and playlist syncing, as well as recently added Airplay support. Track 8 can be downloaded now for $1.99 from the App Store, and those who already have the iPad version...