Magic Piano by Smule

Release date
May 4th 2011
52.8 Mb
  • The secret behind products that ‘magically’ sell themselves

    January 24th at 1:48am / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Prerna Gupta is an author and futurist. She previously served as the Chief Product Officer and Chief Marketing Officer at Smule, where she remains an advisor to the Board of Directors. This post originally appeared on the blog....

  • The Week’s Best iPhone Apps

    May 15th at 9:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Onavo: If you use a capped data plan, you might have to seriously consider using Onavo. It compresses emails, apps or web suring to as much as 90 percent! Sounds too good to be true, right? Onavo promises you could pretty much double or triple the data plan you're on, with it working on anything data-related-except video, sadly. It works by routing the downloads through its cloud-based servers, so while it might make pages etc load a bit slower, the data is already compressed by the time it gets to you...

  • Magic Piano Released for Free on the iPhone

    May 4th at 3:07pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Smule, the team behind I Am T-Pain, Glee Karaoke and Magic Fiddle has released an iPhone version of its popular iPad app Magic Piano. Smule is using the launch of Magic...