Piano Notes Pro - Sight Reading Tutor

Patrick Chan
Release date
June 1st 2010
41.7 Mb
  • How to learn to play piano with a little help from your iPad

    June 14th at 8:07pm / GigaOM / 0 opinions

    There are aspects about learning to play piano where the iPad can help, and there are others where it can hurt. The following will look at both sides and hopefully make learning a bit easier.

  • Daily App Deals: Get Piano Notes Pro for iOS for Free in Today’s App Deals

    April 6th at 9:30pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    The Daily App Deals post is a round-up of the best app discounts of the day, as well as some notable mentions for ones that are on sale. Piano Notes Pro (iTunes) Previously $2.99, now Free. Piano Notes Pro for iPad will help you to learn how to play the piano strictly from your iPad. Whether you are beginning to learn how to play the piano, are a long-time piano teacher that needs an aid to help teach, or even a piano veteran that wants to practice their craft, Piano Notes Pro will improve your skills...