ScoreCleaner Notes

DoReMIR Music Research AB
Release date
October 31st 2012
10.9 Mb
  • Slack for iOS and Android: A Better Way to Collaborate With Coworkers

    August 15th at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    If you're like most people, you work email account is an absolute disaster—most likely some unholy combination of short messages with friends, formal interactions with coworkers and higher ups, client emails, and various other outside communications. Slack wants to remove all the office conversation and collaboration into its own, easily searchable world. So while not quite an "email revolution," Slack does want to make you office chatter that much easier....

  • MedSnap ID for iOS: Identify Pills & Potential Interactions In 1 Photo

    August 14th at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    For some people, taking up to 12 different medications a day has become the unfortunate norm. And when you add another one into that already complicated heap, it isn't always easy to identify the potentially harmful interactions in your own personal prescription cocktail. MedSnap hopes to simplify that problem by both identifying your pills and their potential interactions all through one, simple snapped photograph....

  • KeyMe for iOS: Keep Your Spare Set of Keys in the Cloud

    August 9th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    How many have you found yourself locked out, stuck with a visiting friend who has to wait on the curb cause you aren't able to get them a key yet, left out in the cold with a lost key and locksmith, or any number of other unfortunately common circumstances? As long as people use physical keys—we're going to run into some unfortunate problems. And while KeyMe won't solve all of those, it comes as close as you're going to get for now....

  • Imgur for iOS: Your Favorite Image-Upload Site, Finally in App Form

    August 2nd at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Imgur, everyone's favorite super simple image hosting site, has had an Android app out for about a month now. As of today, though, the app is also available for iOS users, and now nearly everyone can be just a little bit less productive, together....

  • Commercial Break for iOS: Skip Commercials Without Missing the Good…

    August 1st at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    No one likes commercials—that's why god made DVR. But sometimes (like with sports games, specifically) you just can't wait for it to record before diving in. You need to know RIGHT THEN. But if you get up and wander away, you might wander for too long. What's a TV junkie to do? Commercial Break has the answer....

  • ACI Cockpit360° for iOS: 360-Degree Cockpit Porn in the Palm of Your…

    July 31st at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Dying to get a first-hand look at some of the greatest exhibits places like the Museum of Flight, Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum, and Tillamoook Air Museum have to offer, but don't have the time or money for a cross-country flight history tour? Thanks to ACI Cockpit360, that last part won't matter in the slightest....

  • Zagat for Android and iOS: All the Zagat Reviews (Finally) for Free

    July 30th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S The Google+ Local iPhone app mysteriously disappeared from the App Store this past Friday—and now we know why. The Google-owned Zagat has just released a new app for both iPhone and Android today, all coming in Google's new card-based UI....

  • Yahoo Fantasy Sports for iOS & Android: We Finally Have Mobile Drafting

    July 26th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    SIf you're already a fantasy sports fan, chances are you've used Yahoo's Fantasy Sports app before. And just in time for football season, their newest version of the app comes with a major design overhaul and one very welcome, long await feature—mobile drafting....

  • Loom for iOS: The Better, Cloud-Based Mobile Camera Roll

    July 25th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions


  • NumberSnap for Android: Secretly Snap Pics and Never Forget a Face

    July 24th at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S For a good portion of the population, remembering both names and faces is a task too astronomical to even conceive of. You meet a fun, new person, and you don't want to be rude—but chances are, as soon as they walk away, you've already forgotten what they look like. The problem only exacerbated when you've downed a few drinks to lubricate the mingling process, which is when you meet the most potential new friends and romantic interestes, anyway. NumberSnap is a clever, if not slightly creepy, way to...

  • Groopic for iOS: Photographers Can Finally Be Part of Their Own Shots

    July 12th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S The group shot dilemma—it's the bane of both narcissists and scrapbooking enthusiasts alike. But what are you supposed to do when you want to snap a pic of a precious moment between friends, but the only person around to take the picture is, well, you? Fortunately for you, Groopic has taken it upon itself to leave no group shot incomplete....

  • Resume Designer: Make Professional-Looking Resumes Fast and On the Go

    July 2nd at 10:54pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    SThere's virtually nothing pleasant about the job hunting process—an unfortunate fact of life. Between interviews, worrying, scourings listings, and worrying some more, anything you can do make the process easier the better. Resume Designer for iOS at least helps you take the thought and stress out of putting your entire life down on paper. The best part? You can make one on the go....

  • Skype 4.0 for Android: Same Skype, Totally New App

    July 1st at 10:54pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S After announcing today's 100 million Android-download milestone, Skype celebrated the occasion with a totally overhauled, refreshed Android app that's supposed to "make your interactions easier and put conversations first." And with a cleaner, lighter, and lightening fast UI, it may just live up to its promise....

  • Instapuzzle: Your Friends' Boring Instagrams Are Better as Puzzles

    June 18th at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Your endless stream of photos on Instagram is fun—for a while. But there's only so many times you can see a sepia-toned sunset before even the mere thought starts to induce nausea. Instapuzzle for iOS, though, puts a fun new twist on how you interact with your friends' filtered pics....

  • MTV for iOS: More Full, On-Demand Video Content Than Ever Before

    June 14th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    SMTV has had something resembling an iOS app before called WatchWith, but their parent company Viacom has given it a total content overhaul and renaming it just plain old MTV. The new, improved, and most importantly on-demand app is stuffed full of content, both new and old....

  • SkyMotion: Predict the Rain Down to the Minute

    June 13th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Weather apps are a dime a dozen, but accurate weather apps are a little more rare. For most of them, you'd be better off tossing a coin to try to figure out if it's actually going to rain or not. And that's where SkyMotion shines—down to the minute....

  • Slooh: Snap Your Very Own High-Res Space Photos From Your iPad

    June 11th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Way back in 2009, Slooh opened up its space telescope service to the everyman, meaning common folk could explore space and take live, high-res photos at their leisure—for a small fee, of course. In the same vein, their new iPad app lets you take space shots on the go, all for $2 a pop....

  • Postcards: A Much More Pleasant Way to Browse Tumblr

    May 31st at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S The Tumblr app is, admittedly, a wonderfully designed one. And there's no denying it has more functionality than something like Postcards. But for those who use Tumblr more as a means of finding articles to read instead zipping through streams of GIFs, this might be exactly what you're looking for....

  • Jamstar Acoustics: A Guitar Learning App That Won't Hold You Back

    May 30th at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Learn-to-play-guitar apps are a dime a dozen, and to be honest, most of them aren't worth the data they take to download. Light up fretboards are great—until you try to move over to a real, non-illuminated guitar. JamStar, though, works more like a real live, actual guitar teacher would to help you get better on a real live, actual guitar....

  • Bondsy: The Best Way to Barter Between Friends

    May 23rd at 7:30pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Craigslist's bartering section is a wonderful concept, sure, but the fact of the matter is that, when you're making deals with total, unverified strangers, there's an inherent set of risks that comes along with it. But with Bondsy, which launches today, you can exercise your bartering skills and finally get rid of junk that's been laying around—but with friends and friends of friends only. All the perks with none of the uncertainty....

  • Drops First Aid: Knowledge You Need to Save a Life Right in Your Pocket

    May 23rd at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Of all the things you never leave home without, your phone is usually somewhere near the top of that list, ready to whip out at a moments notice. You keep all your most vital information on it: birthdays, important meetings, reminders, beloved images, what have you—but all of this is worthless without the people behind each of these things. And Drops First Aid for iOS wants to make sure that your phone helps you keep them around too—or strangers, for that matter....

  • Limelight: Share Your Carefully Crafted Movie Collection With the World

    May 21st at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Nearly everyone and their grandmother has at least some sort of streaming service at their fingertips—or at the very least, they have a streaming service that someone is letting them mooch off of. But despite the prominence of Netflix, Hulu, and the like, there's still a good number of cinephiles out there who still love buying actual, physical copies of their beloved films. To somewhat keep up with the streaming masses, Limelight lets you access and share your catalogue of physical movies with the...

  • Get All the Money You Deserve When Selling Online

    May 17th at 3:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Most people have sold at least something online at this point in their lives. It's an easy way to get rid of crap you don't need and make a little cash in the process. But there's inevitably a dip in the joy of your newfound wealth when you realize that your chosen platform has taken their fair share of your reward. for iOS wants to make sure you receive the exact amount you're after....

  • Thinglist: A Note-Taking App That Keeps Track of Your Every Wish

    May 15th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Apple's proprietary note-taking app is mediocre at best. You can make new notes, write things on them, and that's about it. So if you're one of those people who uses his or her phone to jot down pretty much anything that strikes your fancy, you're going to need something a little different. Thinglist carries the same minimalist looks as the stock note-taking app but packs way more of a punch....

  • Beer Hunt: Drinking With Friends Just Got Even More Fun

    May 14th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Just like Untappd, Beer Hunt for iOS combines the best parts of a night out drinking beer with the best parts of Foursquare. The difference here, though, is that Beer Hunt turns all into one colossal social, brew-drinking, liver-killing experience....

  • ScoreCleaner Notes, Pizza Compass,, and More

    May 11th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Spring may have officially sprung weeks ago, but the weather is finally starting to catch up. Which means you can finally escape from hibernation and reenter the social world around you. This week's set of apps are here to help you connect with friends and have the time of your life— be it with beautiful music or just some chatting over pizza, you'll be all set....

  • Expense Manager: Make Budgeting Suck (Somewhat) Less

    May 10th at 2:30am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Anyone struggling to balance their finances these days is going to find themselves at a loss for an excuse. All the money managing, counting, and advising apps floating around can be beneficial, sure, but the sheer volume both in design and function makes picking the perfect one for you a daunting task. Expense manager, though, is a clean, beautifully designed app that breaks through the clutter to make keeping your accounts in a line a pleasant—and dare I say enjoyable—experience....

  • ScoreCleaner Notes: Instantly Compose Whatever Tune Pops Into Your Head

    May 9th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    S Whether you're a virtuoso musician or the tone-deaf bane of karaoke night, there's probably been at least one point in your life where you've felt almost certain that the little ditty you just randomly hummed could be the song to end all songs. But just as quickly as these blasts of inspiration hit us, they'll slip away into nothingness no matter how hard we try to grasp on. With ScoreCleaner Notes for iOS, though, you'll be able to turn your every musical vision into an eternal tune, be it for...