Rormix - Discover Emerging Music Videos

Rormix Ltd
Release date
October 2nd 2013
3.8 Mb
  • 89 of the best iOS apps launched in 2013

    December 28th at 7:08pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    In a year that saw Apple finally pass the one million milestone in terms of live applications in the App Store, it’s fair to say there’s a deluge of file-managers, smart calendars, budgeting tools and funky cameras to sift through to get to the real gems....

  • 22 of the best iOS apps launched in November

    December 2nd at 8:28pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    With November 2013 now consigned to the history books, we thought we’d take a retrospective look at some of the more notable apps to hit our radar over the past month. So without further ado, here’s a quick snapshot of some of the best iOS apps to launch....

  • 17 mobile apps to help you discover new music

    November 15th at 11:48pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    If the last decade has taught us anything, it’s that ten years can be a very long time in technology. And one needn’t look any further than the music industry to see how technology has shifted and shaped the way we listen to, share and discover bands and artists....

  • Rormix helps you find new unsigned music videos based on bands you already like

    November 15th at 11:08pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    There’s no shortage of ways to discover new music, but new unsigned artists are still harder to find than those with big marketing budgets behind them. Rormix is an app for iOS and Android that allows you to find music videos from unsigned artists based on your taste. So, a search for ‘Beyonce’ will turn up artists that sound similar to the iconic singer....