
IZE, Ltd.
Release date
May 19th 2011
32.7 Mb
  • 40 Alternative Maps & GPS Apps for iOS

    October 13th at 7:00pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Apple’s new Maps application has a lot going for it. It’s gorgeous, its vector maps make it faster than Google Maps, and it finally brings the platform alongside the competition…

  • Maps+ App Is Maps Plus Lots Of Other Stuff

    May 31st at 12:00pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    At TechCrunch Disrupt NYC last week, Google’s location boss Marissa Mayer pointed out that Google Maps for mobile traffic will surpass that of its desktop counterpart by June. Our dependence on mobile technology for where we are and where we’re going seems to be growing by the minute, so its not too surprising to see a number of enhanced Map apps hit various app stores. One in particular, Maps+, caught our eye. And Maps+ is exactly what its name describes: Google Maps… plus a lot of other cool features....

  • Maps+ is the Swiss Army knife of maps

    May 30th at 5:22pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    A lot of apps have a tendency to cram every square inch of the iPhone’s screen with flashy user interface elements. That’s not the case with Maps+, which takes minimalism…