Auxy Classic - Simple Beat Maker

Auxy AB
Release date
October 29th 2014
16.7 Mb
  • Вручена премия Apple Design Awards 2016

    June 14th at 4:18pm / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    Традиционно в июне, на конференции разработчиков WWDC, Apple определяет лучшие приложения и игры для iPhone, iPad и Mac и награждает их разработчиков очень почетной премией Apple Design Awards. В этом году, на открывшейся вчера конференции в списке лауреатов этого года оказались 10 проектов. MacDigger приводит краткое описание каждого приложения-лауреата:

  • Here are the most well-designed apps of 2016, according to Apple

    June 14th at 6:43am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Once a year, Apple stops its Worldwide Developer Conference to recognize a handful of apps for being particularly well designed. The prize? A shiny statue, a full suite of Apple hardware, and the right to say that one of the most respected companies in the world thinks you’re a good designer.For app developers and designers, it’s one of the finest honors that money…

  • Apple Design Awards go to Lara Croft Go, Auxy

    June 14th at 3:51am / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    Apple on Monday announced its annual selection of Design Awards recipients on Monday, handing out honors to the developers behind standout app properties like Lara Croft Go, and dj Pro, among many others.